Pat Summitt's Legacy: Insights and Reflections from Tyler Summitt

Tyler Summitt, son of basketball legend Pat Summitt, reflects on his mother's legacy and commitment to fighting Alzheimer's disease. A portrait capturing Tyler's dedication to continuing the Definite Dozen principles and supporting the Pat Summitt Foundation's mission.

Pat Summitt was a legendary figure in women's basketball, renowned for her exceptional coaching career at the University of Tennessee. Born on June 14, 1952, Summitt became the head coach of the Lady Volunteers in 1974 and went on to achieve remarkable success over the next four decades. With an unparalleled commitment to excellence, she guided her teams to eight NCAA championships and notched an impressive 1,098 career wins, making her the winningest coach in NCAA Division I basketball history at the time of her retirement in 2012.

Beyond her coaching prowess, Summitt was admired for her leadership, integrity, and dedication to fostering the personal and athletic development of her players. Her impact on women's sports and her enduring legacy continue to inspire athletes and coaches alike. Summitt's indomitable spirit and contributions to the game have left an enduring mark on the world of basketball. Recently MDM Healthcare VP of Clinical Excellence Linda Robinson, MSN, RN, CPXP, was able to speak with Summit's son Tyler about her legacy, battle with Alzheimer's and her compelling story of resilience and generosity on our podcast PX Space.

The Pat Summitt Foundation, established in 2011 by Pat and Tyler Summitt, stands as a beacon of hope in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. The Foundation's mission, fueled by the founders' deep personal commitment, is to eliminate the heart-wrenching moment when families learn of an Alzheimer's diagnosis. Operating with a multifaceted approach, the Foundation channels its efforts into funding research for treatment and a cure, offering crucial care and support to patients and caregivers, and educating the public about Alzheimer's disease. Through strategic grants, the Foundation addresses vital components such as research advancement, disease awareness, and support services. Contributions to the Pat Summitt Foundation are managed by the East Tennessee Foundation, which plays a pivotal role in facilitating grants to organizations aligned with this noble mission. 

 "When Mom received her diagnosis, she expressed two powerful desires: to kick Alzheimer's to the curb and to take her 'Definite Dozen' principles out into the world, extending beyond sports into the realms of business and beyond. In response, Mom and I co-founded the Pat Summitt Foundation, and I established the Pat Summitt Leadership Group, dedicated to embodying her 'Definite Dozen' principles. Our diverse community, ranging from scientists to construction workers, restaurant staff to stay-at-home parents, engages in our online programs, listens to inspiring speakers, creating a truly impactful and inclusive environment,” said Tyler.

Capturing the essence of a legend: Dive into the inspiring image of Pat Summitt on her foundation page. Uncover the resilience, leadership, and lasting impact of the iconic women's basketball coach. Join us in celebrating Pat Summitt's legacy and the ongoing mission of the Pat Summitt Foundation in the fight against Alzheimer's disease.

Pat Summitt's Definite Dozen

1. Respect Yourself and Others

2. Take Full Responsibility

3. Develop and Demonstrate Loyalty

4. Learn to Be a Great Communicator

5. Discipline Yourself So No One Else Has To

6. Make Hard Work Your Passion

7.Don't Just Work Hard, Work Smart

8. Put the Team Before Yourself

9. Make Winning an Attitude

10. Be a Competitor

11. Change Is a Must

12. Handle Success Like You Handle Failure

"In the videos and principles my mom shared, people continue to learn. Our Pat Summitt Leadership Group includes healthcare providers and a diverse mix of individuals in the online program, engaging with the Definite Dozen. Mom was passionate about this, and in a sense, it feels like we're carrying on her dream. We're actively working towards kicking Alzheimer's to the curb and assisting people in finding success, no matter their path in life. With the Pat Summitt Leadership Group, we're living out her vision,” said Tyler. 

He further reflected on his mother’s legacy. 

“It’s just so cool that people can still learn from her from her. They can still see videos, corporate speeches that she gave to large companies, we have those recorded and she's still teaching,” he said. 

Pat and her son Tyler’s story demonstrates that in the face of devastating health diagnoses, patients and their families often exhibit remarkable strength, resilience, and a shared commitment to facing adversity with positivity and grace. The journey through a challenging health condition can be emotionally taxing, yet many individuals find solace and support in coming together as a united front. Through shared experiences, these families form bonds that transcend the boundaries of illness, creating a network of understanding and encouragement. Their collective positivity becomes a powerful force, offering hope, inspiration, and a testament to the human spirit's capacity to find light even in the darkest moments. In the Summitt’s story, the emphasis on grace and optimism not only aids in coping with the immediate challenges but also fosters a sense of empowerment and unity that proves instrumental in navigating the intricate landscape of healthcare with courage and dignity.

MDM Healthcare demonstrates a deep commitment to the well-being of patients and their families by prioritizing compassionate care and fostering a supportive environment. At the forefront of this dedication is the patient engagement platform Journey PX, a testament to MDM Healthcare's innovative approach. Journey PX goes beyond traditional healthcare services, offering patients and their families a range of tools designed to enhance their experience. Notably, the platform features a cutting-edge video solution, Connect, which facilitates meaningful connections between patients and their loved ones within hospital rooms. This unique feature provides a valuable opportunity for individuals undergoing medical treatment to connect with one another, fostering a sense of community and emotional support during challenging times. MDM Healthcare's dedication to incorporating such thoughtful and inclusive features into their patient engagement platform underscores their commitment to not only medical care but also the holistic well-being of those they serve.

For more information on the Pat Summit Foundation, visit Additionally, to gain deeper insights into Tyler's reflections on his mother's legacy and their shared mission, listen to the full PX Space interview below.

Tyler Summitt, son of basketball legend Pat Summitt, reflects on his mother's legacy and commitment to fighting Alzheimer's disease. A portrait capturing Tyler's dedication to continuing the Definite Dozen principles and supporting the Pat Summitt Foundation's mission.
A group of seniors enthusiastically engages in exercise, showcasing the positive impact of patient engagement among the elderly. The image captures a moment of community and well-being as seniors participate in various exercises, promoting physical activity and social connection for a healthier and happier lifestyle

Unveiling the Holistic Impact of Cardio Drumming with Kirstie Pomaranski

Engaging in physical activity wields transformative power, positively impacting hearts, bodies, and minds. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), regular physical activity is profoundly influential in preventing and managing noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes. Beyond its physical benefits, physical activity plays a crucial role in mitigating symptoms of depression and anxiety, while simultaneously enhancing cognitive functions such as thinking, learning, and judgment skills.

Exercise further emerges as a potent component of a holistic approach to patient care, a theme explored in a recent episode of our podcast, PX Space. Host Linda Robinson MSN, RN, CPXP spoke with Kirstie Pomaranski, a dedicated certified exercise trainer with a focus on inspiring and empowering individuals, particularly cancer patients and survivors. Pomaranski presently spearheads exercise programming for those affected by cancer at Life with Cancer, a non-profit organization based in Northern Virginia. This organization is committed to delivering no-cost education and psychosocial support to individuals impacted by cancer, offering evidence-based holistic care accessible to all, irrespective of their treatment location.

"Cardio drumming is more than just a physical exercise; it's an opportunity to enhance heart and lung health," she explains, underlining the class's inclusivity with plastic drumming sticks and an exercise ball.

The objective is to make exercise enjoyable and accessible to everyone.

"It's about moving your body, crossing the midline, and learning new rhythms while letting music transport you back to joyful moments in your life."

Challenging the conventional "no pain, no gain" fitness notion, Pomaranski advocates for enjoyable and invigorating exercise, emphasizing the importance of finding balance in life to prioritize health.

"Movement should be a part of our routine, just like taking a shower or brushing our teeth."

Pomaranski delves into the social and emotional benefits of cardio drumming, highlighting its role in connecting people, and fostering playfulness, joy, and laughter. She underscores the profound impact of human connection and touches on overall well-being and happiness.

An elderly patient joyfully participates in exercise, highlighting the positive impact of patient engagement in senior care. The image reflects the commitment to physical activity, promoting health and well-being in the older population while fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.

Discussing the broader impact of movement and music on mental and physical well-being, Pomaranski notes the positive effects on dementia patients.

"Drumming connects your whole brain, creating new neural connections," she explains.

The simplicity of using plastic drumming sticks and an exercise ball makes the class accessible and effective for everyone.

Pomaranski sheds light on the transformative power of cardio drumming as a holistic approach to well-being, connecting mind and body through movement, rhythm, and music. The class serves as a reminder that exercise can be not only beneficial but also a source of joy, laughter, and human connection.

The integration of music and movement, exemplified by the cardio drumming class, aligns with a holistic approach to patient care valued at MDM Healthcare. This concept is reinforced by innovative technology products such as Journey PX. Our Journey PX solution My Stay, offers patients calming videos and a library of educational content. Journey PX’s video calling solution Connect facilitates virtual connections with loved ones, while My Day Today provides real-time health information through a digital whiteboard integrated with the hospital’s EMR, offering patients peace of mind.

The holistic approach to patient care is a powerful paradigm that recognizes the intricate interplay between physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It goes beyond merely treating symptoms, aiming instead to address the root causes of illness while considering the individual as a whole. This comprehensive method acknowledges that a person's health is influenced by various factors, including lifestyle, environment, and personal circumstances.

By integrating medical, psychological, and social aspects of care, the holistic approach promotes a deeper understanding of patients and fosters a collaborative relationship between healthcare providers and individuals seeking care. This approach not only treats the ailment but also empowers patients to actively participate in their healing process, promoting long-term well-being and a higher quality of life. The recognition that health is a complex tapestry of interconnected elements highlights the potency of holistic patient care in promoting not just physical recovery, but also mental resilience and emotional harmony.

Kirstie Pomaranski, a dedicated certified exercise trainer with a focus on inspiring and empowering individuals, particularly cancer patients and survivors.

As Pomaranski notes in her interview, her cardio drumming class is not just about physical exercise but a holistic approach to well-being, connecting mind and body through movement, rhythm, and music. It serves as a reminder that exercise can be enjoyable, invigorating, and a source of joy, laughter, and human connection. For further insights into the healing power of cardio drumming, you can listen to the full PX Space podcast interview with Kirstie Pomaranski.

Navigating the Path of Cancer Care with Dr. Abdul Rahman Jazieh

A compassionate nurse providing care and support to a cancer patient during a medical appointment.

Dr. Abdul Rahman Jazieh, a renowned oncologist, is deeply committed to enhancing the health and well-being of cancer patients.

In his capacity as a senior oncology consultant, Director of Innovation and Research, and Director of International Programs at Cincinnati Cancer Advisors, he leads with a strong focus on evidence-based oncology. Notably, he has served as the editor-in-chief of the Global Journal on Quality and Safety in Health Care, held a prominent position in the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and established the Association of VA Hematology Oncology.

Dr. Jazieh's extensive work, which includes over 150 publications, has earned him recognition and the Unsung Hero Award from Cancer Family Care. His global perspective and dedication continuously enhance Cincinnati Cancer Advisors' oncology care.

During my time in medical school, I became acutely aware of the limited treatment options available to cancer patients and the scarcity of individuals interested in oncology,” Dr. Jazieh said “There was a pressing need for both healthcare providers and significant advancements in this field. I firmly believed that I could make a meaningful contribution to oncology by offering much-needed care to those in greatest need, all while contributing to the progression of oncology science through research opportunities."

Highlighting the unique nature of the cancer care journey, Dr. Jazieh observed that, unlike most health conditions, cancer patients are often labeled by their diagnosis in discussions.

"When it comes to cancer, it's a distinct scenario. People frequently refer to someone as 'the one with cancer,' vividly illustrating the profound social and psychological impact on both the patient and their broader social circle,” he said. “In contrast, for other chronic or life-threatening diseases, we typically don't define someone solely by their condition. For instance, if a person has diabetes, you might initially think of them as 'the one with diabetes,' but it doesn't dominate your perception of them. However, with cancer, the label of 'cancer patient' tends to stick like an indelible mark. This applies not only to the immediate family but also to friends, coworkers, and anyone acquainted with the patient."

Dr. Jazieh stressed several key considerations for cancer patients and their families when facing a diagnosis.

A portrait of a resilient cancer patient, embodying strength and courage in the face of their health challenges.

"Cancer is not a death sentence, and I want to be abundantly clear about that,” he said. “In fact, cancer offers a better chance of cure than any other chronic disease. Remarkably, approximately 60% of cancer patients achieve total cure, and in some instances, the rate of cured cancer patients reaches an astounding 99% or 100%. I want to assure you that what I'm discussing is not mere science fiction or wishful thinking; there is solid evidence supporting it."

He also acknowledged that lingering negative stereotypes continue to influence perceptions about cancer diagnoses.

"Unfortunately, myths and misconceptions from the past still cast shadows,” Dr. Jazieh said. “We encounter individuals who undergo suffering and treatment without achieving a cure, and those negative experiences leave a more profound emotional impact than positive outcomes."

Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of creating a plan for cancer patients.

"When you look around, you'll find that there are more than perhaps 20 to 40 million people who have successfully battled cancer and are still with us,” he said. “A significant number of cancer survivors exist. However, when a family receives the cancer diagnosis or when a patient themselves gets that news, the most crucial step is to pause, take a deep breath, and avoid making assumptions. Instead, ask, 'How can we approach this?' In the next few moments, we will discuss how families can navigate this journey with the disease because the most effective advocates for the patient are the patient, their caregiver, and the family. By equipping them with knowledge about what to inquire, what to pursue, and what to anticipate, we can hope for a positive outcome."

Dr. Jazieh authored an article titled "The Principles of Oncology Care−Back to Basics," which emphasized five crucial questions considered indispensable. He urged oncologists to consistently address these queries for each patient:

Dr. Abdul Rahman Jazieh, a distinguished oncologist dedicated to enhancing the well-being of patients.

1. Is the diagnosis confirmed? Ensuring the confirmation of a cancer diagnosis stands as the very foundation of any effective treatment plan. Dr. Jazieh underscores the necessity of rigorous diagnostic accuracy. A misdiagnosis or a hasty assumption could lead to inappropriate treatments and unnecessary emotional distress for the patient. Oncologists are tasked with verifying the presence of cancer through precise and thorough examinations, including biopsies, imaging studies, and other diagnostic tests. Only once the diagnosis is firmly established can healthcare providers embark on a well-informed journey to address the condition and provide the most suitable care.

2. What is the type of cancer, and what is the stage of the disease?
Understanding the specific type of cancer and its stage is paramount in tailoring a patient's treatment strategy. Dr. Jazieh emphasizes that not all cancers are the same; they vary significantly in their behavior, growth rates, and responsiveness to different therapies. Knowing the type of cancer allows medical professionals to select the most appropriate and targeted treatments, such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or surgery. Additionally, determining the stage of the disease, whether it's localized, regional, or metastatic, provides critical insight into how advanced the cancer is and guides decisions regarding the extent of medical interventions. By precisely characterizing the disease, oncologists can offer patients the best chance for successful treatment outcomes and improved quality of life.

3. Is the patient curable? Dr. Jazieh highlighted that this question should take precedence over simply seeking the best treatment. By focusing on the potential for a cure, medical teams can explore all available options, including surgery for stage four cases.

4. If the disease isn't curable, what is the best approach to support the patient?
Here, considerations encompass the patient's overall health, wishes, and available treatments, both cancer-directed and supportive therapies.

5. Is the patient a candidate for clinical trials? Dr. Jazieh stressed the importance of not viewing clinical trials negatively, as they offer hope for patients, especially those with incurable diseases. He encouraged patients to seriously consider participating in trials, as they often lead to breakthroughs in treatment.

Dr. Jazieh emphasized the significance of continuously questioning the diagnosis, stage, and treatment options, as diagnostic errors can occur. They also underscored the role of the patient in providing valuable feedback and encouraged patients to participate in research, particularly clinical trials, which can offer innovative solutions and ultimately become the standard of care.

In addition to his medical expertise, Dr. Jazieh reveals a poetic side to his personality. To experience more of his talents and gain deeper insights from his interview, tune into the full PX Space podcast episode below, where you can not only hear one of Dr. Jazieh's captivating poems but also delve into his profound perspectives on cancer care, diagnosis, and the significance of clinical trials. Dr. Jazieh's multifaceted approach to his work is sure to leave a lasting impression and provide a holistic understanding of his contributions to the field.

Unlocking the Secrets to Longevity and Wellness: Dr. Mohsin Jaffer's Pearls of Health and Happiness

A group of senior citizens enjoying a happy moment together.

A recent report from The Washington Post has unveiled a significant demographic shift taking place in the United States. As of February 2023, more than one in six Americans have crossed the threshold of 65 years or older. This demographic transformation mirrors the continuous aging of our population, and its consequences are both far-reaching and profound. According to a report published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 2020 Census data revealed a striking statistic emerging: approximately 17% of the U.S. population, or more than one in six individuals, were already in the 65 and older category in 2020, the highest rate in over a century. The HHS report also sheds light on the present state of our aging population but also contains data that projects a substantial surge in the number of seniors in the years to come. By the year 2040, it is anticipated that the population of residents aged 65 and older will reach a staggering 80.8 million, more than double the count recorded in 2000. Furthermore, the report foresees a similar doubling of even more senior citizens, with the population of those aged 85 and older expected to grow from 6.7 million in 2020 to 14.4 million by 2040. Remarkably, in 2020, there were nearly 105,000 residents who had achieved the remarkable milestone of 100 years and older.

With our nation's population continuing to age, there is a growing demand for caregiving and support services. This demographic shift presents a unique and pressing opportunity for those committed to the field of caregiving, whose life's work plays an essential role in providing crucial care and assistance to our aging citizens.

Dr. Mohsin Jaffer, a highly respected family physician with a specialization in geriatric care, takes a prominent role in tackling these challenges. As the President and CEO of Senior Medical Associates, a key player in senior healthcare in Florida, Dr. Jaffer has recently offered his profound insights on lifelong wellness and the aging process in an interview with our VP of Clinical Excellence, Linda Robinson, MSN, RN, CPXP, on our podcast, PX Space.

A group of older men gathered for a health-related activity.

With nearly three decades of experience in geriatric care in South Florida, Dr. Jaffer generously imparts profound insights into achieving optimal health and longevity, radiating vitality and vigor.

"We're all aging, and the process of aging is inevitable and relentless. But we can slow it down, and we can age gracefully." Dr. Jaffer firmly believes that patients have a choice in how they live out their twilight years. "And as long as you've got life, we don't know how long, but we have the potential of 120 years, you want to be living that life with vim, vigor, and vitality. This has been my mantra to all our patients: you are the boss of your destiny. We, as physicians, are your helpers, your guides, but you are the boss, you are like the captain of a ship, and you need a navigator."

Dr. Jaffer emphasizes the critical importance of making seniors more mobile, self-sufficient, and socially engaged, highlighting the devastating impact of loneliness on their health and on the overall health of Americans.

"The greatest tragedy in our country today is loneliness, across the spectrum, from young to the old,” he said. “It's loneliness."

He points out that social media and technology have been detrimental to the human-to-human connection.

"We don't meet each other enough. We don't talk to each other enough. Even the average American married couple spends only 5 minutes a day together in meaningful conversation, and what a tragedy."

A group of older women demonstrating good health and vitality.

Dr. Jaffer's mission is clear: to empower every person, regardless of age, to live and age better. He is a strong proponent of mind over matter and has outlined his famous "Pearls of Longevity with Good Health and Happiness," which are highlighted below.

1. Find Joy in Laughter: "A hearty laugh can make you feel better, and it's an essential part of well-being."
2. Maintain Positivity and Purpose: "Having a sense of purpose and a zest for life is key to staying young and embracing all the beauty life offers, especially as we age."
3. Cherish Time with Loved Ones: "Surrounding yourself with friends and family reminds you that social connections hold value at any age."
4. Embrace Stress Reduction and Meditation Techniques: "Incorporate relaxation techniques and effective stress management through relaxation exercises, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and tai chi for overall health."
5. Manage Your Weight
6. Prioritize Daily Exercise: "Consider a daily two-mile walk or equivalent exercise to care for your heart health, blood pressure, and diabetes. Exercise contributes to these vital aspects of well-being."
7. Follow a Nutrient-Rich Diet: "The Mediterranean diet is known to protect against Alzheimer’s, while the Western diet, rich in red meat and processed, sugary, and fatty foods, increases the risk. Opt for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, nuts, and olive oil."
8. Avoid Smoking and Limit Stimulants and Alcohol: "Lifestyle choices significantly impact healthy aging. Be mindful of alcohol and medications that may harm the brain. Additionally, safeguarding the brain from exposure to toxins is important for overall cognitive health. Consult your doctor to ensure your medications support your brain health."
9. Cultivate Faith, Spirituality, and Gratitude
10. Prioritize a Good Night's Sleep Adequate and high-quality sleep is crucial for brain health


MDM Healthcare is dedicated to supporting seniors through innovative and user-friendly technology solutions suitable for patients of all ages and varying tech proficiencies. Emphasizing key aspects of patient engagement technology that align with hospitals' equitable care strategies is crucial. These essentials provide numerous advantages. For instance, a hospital stay is not the ideal time to acquire new skills. If a patient can operate a TV remote, they should find it just as simple to navigate a patient engagement system.

It's important to note that not all patient engagement solutions offer the same ease of use. The more human and patient-friendly the technology, the more likely it is to be embraced by patients. Journey PX, our cloud-based patient engagement system, distinguishes itself with its intuitive design. This technology is founded on the understanding that an intuitive user experience is indispensable when conveying critical health information to patients. Integration with the hospital's electronic medical records (EMR) ensures that patient engagement systems can display real-time, accurate information. Journey PX's digital whiteboard, My Day, Today, presents vital health information to patients in a language they can easily comprehend, right on the screen inside their hospital room. This method of delivering information empowers patients to grasp their daily care plan, thereby reducing communication gaps and minimizing confusion and frustration. Effective clinical communication practices have been proven to enhance clinical outcomes.

Additionally, Journey PX enables medical teams to streamline clinical workflows by automating and simplifying the patient education process, offering video connections in patient rooms, and managing non-clinical tasks. This ensures that patients receive the necessary information while freeing up valuable time for hospital nurses and healthcare team members.

Dr. Mohsin Jaffer

To hear more from Dr. Jaffer including his insights for Alzheimer's disease patients and their caregivers, listen to the full episode of PX Space below.

About Dr. Moshin Jaffer:

Dr. Mohsin Jaffer founded Stallion Medical Management and has held prestigious roles as a clinical assistant professor at renowned institutions such as the University of Miami, Nova Southeastern University, and Florida International University. His journey also encompasses leadership as the chair of the North Shore Physician Hospital Organization, board of trustees secretary, contributions to the establishment of the Neighborhood Health Plan, and multiple terms as chief of family medicine at Memorial Hospital West.

Today, Dr. Jaffer serves as the President and CEO of Senior Medical Associates, an esteemed leader in senior healthcare co-founded by Dr. Mohsin Jaffer and Mrs. Fauzia Jaffer. With 12 locations across Broward County, FL, Senior Medical Associates warmly welcomes individuals aged 65 and older, offering access to a dedicated team of experienced doctors, nurse practitioners, and medical assistants providing complimentary consultations. Beyond his illustrious medical career, Dr. Jaffer is a co-founder of the Mohsin and Fauzia Jaffer Foundation, a steadfast supporter of projects aimed at enhancing access to education, healthcare, clean water, and career development over the past 25 years. His unwavering commitment to these causes underscores his dedication to creating a positive impact within his community and beyond.