Journey PX Connect

Connecting Patients Everywhere


Journey PX is a cloud-hosted patient engagement, experience, and education solution that helps elevate the patient experience and creates efficiencies for nurses and other clinicians by leveraging technology. Our Journey PX Connect platform enables video calling for patients and families. The solution also provides a secure connection that allows for virtual visits and rounding by providers, nurses, other clinicians, and authorized staff. All of this is done through the patient’s TV in the room!

Connect Patient With Family & Friends:
  • Put patient and family at ease
  • Provide family support
  • Family involvement in care
  • Provide emotional support
Virtual Care:
  • Virtual care visits and rounding
  • Bring providers, nurses, other clinicians, and authorized personnel to the patient’s bedside virtually
  • Maintain meaningful, personal bedside presence
    • Streamline bedside care workflows
Hospital room with beds and comfortable medical equipped in a modern hospital

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